Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Project 7 - Participation

My Comments:
I like the background and the text but I feel like when it transitions and flashes to the next background it happens a little too suddenly, maybe have it fade to the next color. -jaromando

I really like the fire effects behind the text make it look like the text is being singed. - mbfishman

The way you show your logo animate in different angles makes it really cool, I really like how you put it all together at the end. -dnkhan

All of the animations go together really well, making it look like it is glitching out almost. Really well done. -edleclair

I like how the first two words drop in and bounce a little, maybe make the volcano look like it's erupting would add a lot to it. -mmensher

I like the simplicity about it, nothing too over the top and easy to read. -rperricelli

I think it looks really sick how the background slowly turns, maybe just remove the white at the end.     -aweitzner

I like how everything simply fades in, maybe add a little more to the background or add a shadow effect to the Big L to add something else to it. -cryowan

Looking at my classmates comments about my logo makes me think that I should do a little more with it.  I got that shadowy type of background I wanted but maybe having that solid black filled in around the logo isn't too good.  Taking in some of the criticism, I think making my logo's font size a little larger and perhaps do a little more with the animation.

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