Monday, February 17, 2014

WK2 - Participation

My comments:

"Rules are neat and organized. You should make your graphic more visually appealing." Commented on

"You don't always have to play best out of 3 games; otherwise there isn't much to say, very descriptive." Commented on

"Rules are very straightforward. In your screenshot, maybe make the top arrow more symmetrical." Commented on

Others' Comments:

You should explain how rock is the best choice.

There is no statistical evidence to backup the claim that the rock is best.

I don't think it is necessary to say that there is no skill involved, I think that can be assumed. Also, I do not think that saying rock is the best is a legitimate claim and may be unnecessary. It could potentially throw off anybody who has never played before.

At the end of my original Rock, Paper, Scissors Rules post, I had at the bottom jokingly that rock is the best choice since that is my go to choice in Rock, Paper, Scissors.  Taking Alexander's comment into consideration, I removed that part of my post since someone that has never played before can misunderstand my sense of humor.

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