Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WK3 - Deliverable

Project 4 - Concept Development

The Jurassic Park Game

Genre: Survivor Horror

Project 4 - Research

WK3 - Participation

My Comments:

"I like your idea to use both hands and to move objects in front of them after each round, points should get deducted if the player falls over an object." Commented on http://rperricelli-gdd110.blogspot.com/2014/02/wk3-deliverable.html?showComment=1392758454614#c8189662412272749799

"I would change up top where it still says the author of the page is Ira Fay. Also maybe add a new element to the game to make it your own personalized game variant of CTF." Commented on http://aweitzner-gdd110.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_8390.html?showComment=1392758954245#c6339033161401326721

"I like how you play a game within an MMO's online community, Runescape is a bit big though to be able to hide anywhere on the map. Maybe playing within the wilderness would make it more likely for the seekers to find you and make a more intense experience since you can die very easily (or what I remember of it)." Commented on http://bheisenberg-gdd110.blogspot.com/2014/02/blog-post_11.html#comment-form

Others' Comments:

The black and white theme does provide for good contrast but a little color probably wouldn't hurt. It looks like a lot of large paragraphs of plain text that might turn away a reader. It is very sequential as well; your eyes see the picture quickly but for the most part it just moves straight down the page. Maybe not have every sub heading centered in the page.
Space it out a little more and it will appear more clean.
Clean looking design but the monochromeness is a bit rough on the eyes. The header font could also be improved to look more engaging. Generally good design.

Monday, February 17, 2014

WK3 - Visual Research for Concept Developent






WK2 - Participation

My comments:

"Rules are neat and organized. You should make your graphic more visually appealing." Commented on http://aweitzner-gdd110.blogspot.com/2014/01/rock-paper-scissor-game-rules.html#comment-form

"You don't always have to play best out of 3 games; otherwise there isn't much to say, very descriptive." Commented on http://rperricelli-gdd110.blogspot.com/2014/01/ralph-perricelli-gdd-110-visual-rps.html#comment-form

"Rules are very straightforward. In your screenshot, maybe make the top arrow more symmetrical." Commented on http://cryowan-gdd110.blogspot.com/2014/01/rock-paper-scissors-rules-2-players.html

Others' Comments:

You should explain how rock is the best choice.

There is no statistical evidence to backup the claim that the rock is best.

I don't think it is necessary to say that there is no skill involved, I think that can be assumed. Also, I do not think that saying rock is the best is a legitimate claim and may be unnecessary. It could potentially throw off anybody who has never played before.

At the end of my original Rock, Paper, Scissors Rules post, I had at the bottom jokingly that rock is the best choice since that is my go to choice in Rock, Paper, Scissors.  Taking Alexander's comment into consideration, I removed that part of my post since someone that has never played before can misunderstand my sense of humor.

WK3 - Concept Development

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Learning to Draw

Lessons 1 &  2 Overlapping Spheres:

Lesson 3 Advanced Level Spheres (WK2 - Concept Development):

Lesson 4:

Lesson 10 The Cylinder:

Lesson 21 The Tree:
Lesson 5 Hollow Cube:

Lesson 6 Stacking Tables:

Lesson 7 Advanced-Level Cubes:
Bonus challenge:

Lesson 22 A Room in One Point Perspective